
The Purrfect Programming Language

Made by @Alen, inspired by ๐Ÿฑ

Cat-inspired Keywords
From purrhaps instead of if to meowtually instead of else, Meowscript adds a whole new level of catness to your programs.
Paw-some Syntax
While being not easy to read, the syntax makes sure you have a Paw-some time writing code.
Fur-midable Performance
Meowscript may be cute, but it's no kitten when it comes to performance. The language is designed to be fast, well faster than Python atleast.

Let's paw-ceed with some purr-gramming!

Running with WebAssembly (Wasm) compiled from Rust โœจ


MeowScript is a dynamically-typed and interpreted language inspired by cat-puns


  • scratch: Used to declare a variable. For example, scratch x = 10; declares a variable x with the value 10.

  • amew: Used to reassign a new value to an existing variable. For example, amew x = 5; changes the value of the variable x to 5.

  • pawction: Used to define a function. For example,

    scratch greet = pawction() { 

defines a function greet that prints "Meow!" to the console.

  • purrhaps: Used to start an if statement. Example:

    purrhaps x > y { 
    	meow(x is greater than y!"); 
  • meowtually: Used to start the else block of an if statement. Example:

purrhaps x > y { 
	meow("x is greater than y!"); 
} meowtually { 
	meow("x is not greater than y!"); 
  • tail: Used to return a value from a function. Example
scratch add = pawction(a, b) { 
	tail a + b; 
  • pawckage: Used to include external code from other packages. For example,
pawckage "file.meow";


Types / Variables

All of the types are similar to other C-like languages, but we have specific names for certain types

whiskers - Strings

Eg: scratch say = "Meow!";

Note: They must be enclosed in double quotes

furrball - Arrays

Eg: scratch words = ["Meow", "Nya", "Nyo"];


  • purrfect: Represents the boolean value true.
  • clawful: Represents the boolean value false.

The furreal operator can be used to check the type of a variable. For example, furreal x; checks the type of variable x.


There's only a single type of loop in MeowScript

The keyword furrever can be used to start a loop that runs indefinitely. For example, furrever { scratch("Meow!"); } runs the block of code inside the loop forever.

Loop Control

The following keywords can be used for manupilating the contorl flow of the loop

  • hiss: Used to break out of a loop. For example, furrever { hiss; } will break the loop immediately.
  • continue: Used to skip the current iteration and continue to the next one in a loop. For example, pawction loop() { furrever { continue; } } will run the loop indefinitely but will skip each iteration.

Standard Libraries

Meowscript comes with a lot of Builtin Functions.



  • Prints the given values into the stdout

The following will be documented soon. Refer the src for now

Lib 1 nya:clawtility

Lib 2 nya:catculator

Lib 3 nya:whiskers

Lib 2 nya:furrball